Have you heard of Diwali? I'm here to talk to you about who celebrates Diwali and some fun facts about diwali and also how people celebrate it.
Did you know that Hinduism, Sikhism, Newar Buddhism, Jainism, all celebrate Diwali? Did you know that more than one billion people celebrate Diwali, the main day of the festival is the fourth of november on this day, Lord Ram returned to the Kingdom of Ayodhya.
Did you know that India celebrates Diwali because they choose good over evil and light from darkness and knowledge over ignorance? It celebrates the birth of Lakshmi, goddess of Wealth, also it is the end of harvest season, there is also lots and lots of light and fireworks, it is a five day festival, and also did you know that Diwali stands for spiritual victory of light.
Do you know that people celebrate Diwali with these things: lighting, home decoration, shopping, cleaning, fireworks, prayers, gifts, feast, and sweets. Lots of things to do on Diwali right!
So in conclusion I have told you some fun facts about Diwali who celebrates Diwali and how to celebrate it so next time you want to try a new holiday try Diwali.