Monday, November 8, 2021



Have you heard of Diwali?  I'm here to talk to you about who celebrates Diwali and some fun facts about diwali and also how people celebrate it.

Did you know that Hinduism, Sikhism, Newar Buddhism, Jainism, all celebrate Diwali? Did you know that more than one billion people celebrate Diwali, the main day of the festival is the fourth of november on this day, Lord Ram returned to the Kingdom of Ayodhya.  

Did you know that India celebrates Diwali because they choose good over evil and light from darkness and knowledge over ignorance? It celebrates the birth of Lakshmi, goddess of Wealth, also it is the end of harvest season, there is also lots and lots of light and fireworks, it is a five day festival, and also did you know that Diwali stands for spiritual victory of light.

Do you know that people celebrate Diwali with these things: lighting, home decoration, shopping, cleaning, fireworks, prayers, gifts, feast, and sweets.  Lots of things to do on Diwali right!   

So in conclusion I have told you some fun facts about Diwali who celebrates Diwali and how to celebrate it so next time you want to try a new holiday try Diwali. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Free Writing

This is my free writing I did it a while ago and I hope you like it. :)

Once upon a time there lived a man named Tom and Tom lived in a forest called the bright woods next to the crystal woods.  The crystal woods was an underground forest, the trees crystals and the rocks just rocks with iron in them.  The bright woods was just a normal forest with normal trees and normal rocks.

Tom was walking down the old dirty road he was very tired because he had just cut lots of wood for the old town and a man was really weird to him because he was warning him not to go through the crystal woods to get home so he did it anyway when he got home he was relieved that nothing happened to him and he went to bed and when he got to sleep the glass window smashed and he woke up i was raining outside and something was in the kitchen it was a bear cub and it is trying to get food so Tom feeds the bear cub and the bear cub goes to sleep.

The next day he went to cut wood but the bear cub was at the door it looked like it had been in battle so he took the bear cub to the vet he was all better after a few days Tom decided to name the bear cub nibble because he would always nibble his leg so his name was nibble he took nibble to work nibble helped with the wood buy pushing the small logs out of the way and after that day they were best friends after a few weeks they needed a bigger house so they started to make there house bigger and after a few months it was done so the next day a angry mob came to there house saying that nibble had been destroying homes and killing people Tom didn't think that was tru so he was on nibbles side the mob had bows and arrows but tom had been working on a new invention called a muscat and it was powerful he shot it in the air to get everyone's attention and for some reason everyone ran away.  

Then Tom turned around and saw nibbles MUM and nibble was so happy and nibbles mum was happy that Tom was looking after Nibble for so long then they all lived happily ever after or did they the mob came back but then they realized the bear was still there so they ran away fast and then the all lived happily ever after the end.

100 Word Challenge

There he was, the person who was looking for you. He wanted to remove you or delete you. Someone was in there looking for you. What would you do if you were in this situation? It was like it went on forever.  Oh no run he found you you need to hide there a door quickly, *SLAM* the door slams behind you you hide for a couple of hours then he is gone you find the exit. He finds you again, you run to the door and try to hide but the door took you outside not in a room.  

In this writing I was only alowed to use 100 words no more no less I hope you like it. :)